Can my blackberry be traced?
(too old to reply)
2009-01-23 21:48:49 UTC
Can my blackberry be traced by the police? I am running a gay
prostitution business and sometimes I work the clients myself. I would
hate to walk into a sting operation.
2009-01-23 23:27:17 UTC
Post by sobriquet
Can my blackberry be traced by the police? I am running a gay
prostitution business and sometimes I work the clients myself. I would
hate to walk into a sting operation.
This comes from a troll who got pissed off with me and now wants to
I'm living in the Netherlands and all my postings have an associated
NNTP posting-host
that is located in the Netherlands (e.g.
You can easily look up the NNTP posting-host in the header to verify
it's located in the Netherlands
via http://www.whois.sc
2009-01-24 04:52:09 UTC
Post by sobriquet
Post by sobriquet
Can my blackberry be traced by the police? I am running a gay
prostitution business and sometimes I work the clients myself. I would
hate to walk into a sting operation.
This comes from a troll who got pissed off with me and now wants to
I'm living in the Netherlands and all my postings have an associated
NNTP posting-host
that is located in the Netherlands (e.g.
You can easily look up the NNTP posting-host in the header to verify
it's located in the Netherlands
Ok, forget everything I said about the NNTP posting host.
If the information in the header of the posting doesn't list the email
address to be "***@yahoo.com", it's not a genuine posting from

Silly me.. I didn't realize that google groups actually requires
people to register with an email address they can access.
2009-01-24 18:48:43 UTC
Post by sobriquet
Post by sobriquet
Post by sobriquet
Can my blackberry be traced by the police? I am running a gay
prostitution business and sometimes I work the clients myself. I would
hate to walk into a sting operation.
This comes from a troll who got pissed off with me and now wants to
I'm living in the Netherlands and all my postings have an associated
NNTP posting-host
that is located in the Netherlands (e.g.
You can easily look up the NNTP posting-host in the header to verify
it's located in the Netherlands
Ok, forget everything I said about the NNTP posting host.
If the information in the header of the posting doesn't list the email
Silly me..  I didn't realize that google groups actually requires
people to register with an email address they can access.
lol Assuming this is a legitimate post, it is my understanding that
we can all be traced through our cell phones, except perhaps the
President who has a special Blackberry.
2009-01-26 01:24:27 UTC
Post by Toni
Post by sobriquet
Post by sobriquet
Post by sobriquet
Can my blackberry be traced by the police? I am running a gay
prostitution business and sometimes I work the clients myself. I would
hate to walk into a sting operation.
This comes from a troll who got pissed off with me and now wants to
I'm living in the Netherlands and all my postings have an associated
NNTP posting-host
that is located in the Netherlands (e.g.
You can easily look up the NNTP posting-host in the header to verify
it's located in the Netherlands
Ok, forget everything I said about the NNTP posting host.
If the information in the header of the posting doesn't list the email
Silly me.. I didn't realize that google groups actually requires
people to register with an email address they can access.
lol Assuming this is a legitimate post,
It surely is my friend.
Post by Toni
it is my understanding that
we can all be traced through our cell phones, except perhaps the
President who has a special Blackberry.
Do you know of a foolproof system I can use? They aren't very nice to
gays in the local jails around here.
