Windows Phone7 Samsung Focus Sucks
(too old to reply)
2011-03-10 06:01:08 UTC
I thought surely a windows phone would seamlessly synch my music files &
Outlook files I had on my Vista laptop without the need to install 3rd party
software. No way. First you have to download and install some software
called "Zune". I did this and after trying to figure out what I needed to do
to get a synch operation going I found out only 4 of my 18 alblums would
copy over. Every time I would do something to get my phone to see the other
music files, the Zone software would direct me to the Zune market place
where music was offered for a price.
The next issue concerned synching my Outlook files. Apparently you have to
register an account at the Zune software site and keep your Outlook files
there in order to synch your files. The site asks you for all sorts of
information like you are setting up some kind of Face Book account. I just
want to listen to my music, not make friends.
Todd Allcock
2011-03-10 07:22:46 UTC
Post by ghelf
I thought surely a windows phone would seamlessly synch my music files
& Outlook files I had on my Vista laptop without the need to install
3rd party software. No way. First you have to download and install some
software called "Zune".
Well, to be fair, Zune isn't "3rd party software." It's Microsoft media
management and sync software for Microsoft's Zune-based players, of which
Windows Phone 7 devices are. It's essentially MS' version of iTunes.
Post by ghelf
I did this and after trying to figure out what
I needed to do to get a synch operation going I found out only 4 of my
18 alblums would copy over.
Has the Zune software "found" all of your albums? It taks anywhere from
a few minutes to a half-hour the first time, depending on the number you
have. Zune, by default only looks in the "standard" Windows music
andvideo folders (and their subfolders.)
Put the media anywhere else and Zune can't find it unless you tell it
where to look. (Which can be specified in the Zune settings.)
Post by ghelf
Every time I would do something to get my
phone to see the other music files, the Zone software would direct me
to the Zune market place where music was offered for a price.
You were probably searching for an album Zune hadn't found yet, so it
took you shopping when it couldn't find it on your PC,.
Post by ghelf
The next issue concerned synching my Outlook files.
By "files" I assume you mean Calendar and Contacts data?
Post by ghelf
Apparently you have
to register an account at the Zune software site and keep your Outlook
files there in order to synch your files.
No, in fact Zune will not sync Outlook data at all- just media. With WP7
all contacts and calendar data is synced over the air, either with an
Exchange server, GMail, or Live/Hotmail.

To sync with a PC, you must use Exchange ($$) or Live (free) as an
intermediary. I wrote up a how-to for a friend's website. It's available
But, in a nutshell, you need to setup the Outlook Connector for Hotmail
on your PC which will sync your PC to a Live/Hotmail account, and then
sync your phone with the same account.
Post by ghelf
The site asks you for all
sorts of information like you are setting up some kind of Face Book
account. I just want to listen to my music, not make friends.
That's the "Zune Social." Don't use it if you don't want to. It doesn't
affect the phone.
2011-03-11 02:51:10 UTC
Post by Todd Allcock
Post by ghelf
Every time I would do something to get my
phone to see the other music files, the Zone software would direct me
to the Zune market place where music was offered for a price.
You were probably searching for an album Zune hadn't found yet, so it
took you shopping when it couldn't find it on your PC,.
I did move my music folder from it's default location to a memory a high
capacity memory card and I can't remember if I did it before or after
installing Zune software. I did adjust Zune settings to look at the memory
card. Can I get Zune to rescan my computer for music? When I click
"Collection" it just shows me the 4 alblums that did successfully transfer
Todd Allcock
2011-03-11 23:43:05 UTC
Post by ghelf
Post by Todd Allcock
Post by ghelf
Every time I would do something to get my
phone to see the other music files, the Zone software would direct me
to the Zune market place where music was offered for a price.
You were probably searching for an album Zune hadn't found yet, so it
took you shopping when it couldn't find it on your PC,.
I did move my music folder from it's default location to a memory a high
capacity memory card and I can't remember if I did it before or after
installing Zune software. I did adjust Zune settings to look at the memory
card. Can I get Zune to rescan my computer for music? When I click
"Collection" it just shows me the 4 alblums that did successfully transfer
Ah, that's the problem. Despite not giving you any warning when you told
the Zune software to monitor the memory card, Zune will not add contents of
"removable devices" (memory cards, USB sticks, optical disks, etc.) to the
Zune collection, only hard drives. (Ironically, removable USB hard drives
are fine, but removable USB flash drives aren't!)

You'll need to copy the "missing albums" back to a hard drive for Zune to
"see" them. Zune continually scans your media folders for changes, so once
you copy the files to a hard disk, Zune will be able to see them within a
few minutes.

I believe there's some type of Windows registry hack that will let you trick
Windows (and therefore Zune) into considering a removable drive as a hard
drive, but I've never tried it. (I remember reading about it on an Asus EEE
PC netbook forum years ago. I used to use my 4GB EEE to change media on my
kids' Zune players when traveling. That's when I discovered Zune ignored
flash memory. I used the SD card slot on the EEE with an 8GB SD card as the
D: drive and Zune wouldn't add anything on it to the Collection.)
2011-03-12 09:34:52 UTC
Post by Todd Allcock
I did move my music folder from it's default location to a high
capacity memory card and I can't remember if I did it before or after
installing Zune software. I did adjust Zune settings to look at the
memory card. Can I get Zune to rescan my computer for music? When I click
"Collection" it just shows me the 4 alblums that did successfully
transfer over.
Ah, that's the problem. Despite not giving you any warning when you told
the Zune software to monitor the memory card, Zune will not add contents
of "removable devices" (memory cards, USB sticks, optical disks, etc.) to
the Zune collection, only hard drives. (Ironically, removable USB hard
drives are fine, but removable USB flash drives aren't!)
Thanks for your help. By relocating my music files back to my laptop HD,
music successfully synched with my phone. My next project will be to export
my contacts list & calendar to the cloud ,"Zune.net". I may be contacting
you again.
