Error Syncing HTC Touch Pro
(too old to reply)
2009-03-18 20:37:49 UTC
I have a HTC TouchPro Smartphone - windows mobile 6.1 - and am trying to
sync with Exchange Server 2003 SP2 over the internet. OWA works fine and OMA
is enabled on the server.

Activesync gives the message 'synchronizing folders', then fails with
support code 0x85010017.
No server Application log errors are recorded.

The settings on the Smartphone appear OK, but I'm not sure if all the
necessary ports on the firewall or Exchange server are open.

Any clues or suggestions?
Helio Diamant - MS-MVP/Mobile Devices
2009-03-19 14:07:11 UTC
This message is tricky, and the documentation says device overloaded. In
general, it can be mostly anything.

I suggest you try to sync only tasks in the beginning, and then add the
other items to sync one by one in this order: mail, calendar and contacts.
In each phase check well if all the sync has been done.

If you can, please post here the results.
Helio Diamant
MS-MVP/Mobile Devices
Editor - PocketPCFreak.com
Post by ACC
I have a HTC TouchPro Smartphone - windows mobile 6.1 - and am trying to
sync with Exchange Server 2003 SP2 over the internet. OWA works fine and
OMA is enabled on the server.
Activesync gives the message 'synchronizing folders', then fails with
support code 0x85010017.
No server Application log errors are recorded.
The settings on the Smartphone appear OK, but I'm not sure if all the
necessary ports on the firewall or Exchange server are open.
Any clues or suggestions?