Blackberry Storm
(too old to reply)
Marc Newman RN
2008-12-08 03:42:19 UTC
Any info on how to sync a blackberry phone with windows vista calendar
Todd Allcock
2008-12-08 05:20:27 UTC
Post by Marc Newman RN
Any info on how to sync a blackberry phone with windows vista calendar
Just an FYI- microsoft.public.smartphone focuses on Windows Mobile-based
smartphones, so don't be surprised if you don't find many Blackberry
experts here.

You might try your question over at

Good luck!
James [hotmail]
2008-12-11 02:53:17 UTC
Post by Marc Newman RN
Any info on how to sync a blackberry phone with windows vista calendar
Todd Allcock
2008-12-12 00:43:21 UTC
Post by James [hotmail]
Post by Marc Newman RN
Any info on how to sync a blackberry phone with windows vista calendar
I don't see where CompanionLink's site says it supports Vista Calendar or
Contacts, but it does sync to quite a few PIMs.

At the $49-$99 price tag, one could pretty much just upgrade from Vista Cal
to Outlook instead, and no longer need CompanionLink.
James [hotmail]
2008-12-17 13:22:34 UTC

Ya, at that price makes sense, never looked up what it would cost to have a
Outlook added to a mobile device. According to companionlink on this page
they say that sink to Outlook version 97 and higher.

Sounds like an incorrect model was purchased by Marc. Never owned a
blackberry but have respect for the company/products...
- RIM is selling lots of phones where the kids do not care about Outook
- they forgot?
- cheaper with out license
- have a way to sync using their service?!

Post by James [hotmail]
Post by Marc Newman RN
Any info on how to sync a blackberry phone with windows vista calendar
James [hotmail]
2008-12-11 02:52:37 UTC
Post by Marc Newman RN
Any info on how to sync a blackberry phone with windows vista calendar
2008-12-11 04:56:24 UTC
Well, I am somewhat (perversely) pleased that the link indicates RIM doesn't
sync with Vista Calendar.....either. There were a lot of irritated folks
discovering that Windows Mobile didn't, when Vista came out. Still doesn't
BTW, in case someone was wondering.
Post by James [hotmail]
Post by Marc Newman RN
Any info on how to sync a blackberry phone with windows vista calendar
Todd Allcock
2008-12-12 00:37:21 UTC
Post by Sven
Well, I am somewhat (perversely) pleased that the link indicates
RIM doesn't sync with Vista Calendar.....either. There were a lot
of irritated folks discovering that Windows Mobile didn't, when
Vista came out. Still doesn't BTW, in case someone was wondering.
We were only irritated because MS stopped including a copy of Outlook with
new Windows Mobile 6 devices. I certainly assumed that move indicated that
Vista Calendar/Mail (Contacts) sync was imminent since MS certainly
wouldn't "strand" WinMo users wit out a desktop PIM to sync to, would they?

But, you know what happens when you "ASS U ME"... ;-) Over a year later,
still no included Outlook, and no sync wth Vista Calendar or Mail.

Having said that, if you like your solutions needlessly complicated and
kludgey, you can kinda sorta sync Vista Cal with either a Blackberry or WMD
(Windows Mobile Device- not the other kind!)

Using third-party software like Goosync or Oggsync, you sync the mobile
device with Google Calendar, then "subscribe" to your Google Calendar in
Vista Calendar.

Details are here:

However, the catch is that the connection between Google Calendar and Vista
Calendar is one way- anything entered in VC will not sync back to Google.
VC simply reads and displays what's in your Google Calendar. Therefore,
all calendar updates, additions, edits, etc. must be made either on the
device, or in Google Calendar. Vista Calendar essentially becomes just a
non-cloud-based local "display copy" of the Google Calendar.

Better than nothing, I suspect, but not by much! ;-)
2008-12-18 19:31:02 UTC
I've never used Blackberry but have been used several other sync solutions
between Windows and Mac OSX. It seems to me that MS either can't make up its
mind what they want to do about a default mail client and they also seem to
want ot limit syncing ability to Office Outlook. I use Outlook at work
because everyone else uses it and we have to support it. Outlook has
problems and not everyone needs something as "heavy" as Outlook. It looks as
though they might be working towards something with the new releases of the
Live software and services as well as Mesh, so I guess we'll see.
Post by Marc Newman RN
Any info on how to sync a blackberry phone with windows vista calendar
2009-01-04 21:10:09 UTC
The only way to syn the storm to vista calender is through Outlook. I tryed
everything else with no luck. Let me know if u have any luck with something
Post by Marc Newman RN
Any info on how to sync a blackberry phone with windows vista calendar