Unable to execute mobile exe from telnet
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2009-02-12 12:40:29 UTC
Hi all
Iam developing an application in windows mobile in which i have tw
application one application runs in the mobile say mobile.exe an
another mobile runs in the pc say pc.exe my application is to star
mobile.exe from pc.exe im achieving this functionality using RAPI ap
I have two pcs connected in LAN and the mobile is connected to PC1
from pc2 im establishing a telnet connection using Hyper terminal an
from here im calling pc.exe which internally shd invoke mobile.ex
through the RAPI api. but in my case im getting the Error sayin
"Returned by WSARecv or WSARecvFrom to indicate the remote party has in
tiated a graceful shutdown sequence.
can any one tel me what mightbe the reason for this error
Iam not getting this error if i run this same from a single pc to whic
mobile is connected with out using any telnet

Thanks in advance

2009-02-12 20:52:55 UTC
On Thu, 12 Feb 2009 04:40:29 -0800, rajesshwari
Hi all,
Iam developing an application in windows mobile in which i have two
application one application runs in the mobile say mobile.exe and
another mobile runs in the pc say pc.exe my application is to start
mobile.exe from pc.exe im achieving this functionality using RAPI api
I have two pcs connected in LAN and the mobile is connected to PC1.
from pc2 im establishing a telnet connection using Hyper terminal and
from here im calling pc.exe which internally shd invoke mobile.exe
through the RAPI api.
RAPI uses the same "plumbing" as ActiveSync. So it will work if and
only if an ActiveSync connection exists between the PC running the
RAPI application and the device being manipulated by the RAPI
application. I would be _very_ surprised if you got your application
working with an indirect connection like telnet.

but in my case im getting the Error saying
"Returned by WSARecv or WSARecvFrom to indicate the remote party has ini
tiated a graceful shutdown sequence."
I think the text of this message is misleading, and this is one of
those cases where the error itself is what matters.
can any one tel me what mightbe the reason for this error.
Iam not getting this error if i run this same from a single pc to which
mobile is connected with out using any telnet.
That confirms my diagnosis.
Thanks in advance,
P.S. Your question would be much easier to read if you used some
punctuation. In particular, using sentences with periods (stops for
folks who speak some variant of "British" English) at the end of
sentences and capital letters at the beginning.

To reply to me, remove the underscores (_) from my email address (and please indicate which newsgroup and message).

Robert E. Zaret, eMVP
PenFact, Inc.
20 Park Plaza, Suite 400
Boston, MA 02116
2009-02-13 05:10:54 UTC
Thanlks for the reply
I think u have misunderstood my question
My pc2 has nothing to do with the mobile or pc.exe
Mobile is connected to pc1 and also pc.exe is also stored in pc1 only
PC2 is only used to establish a remote connection to the pc1 and afte
that i mean after connecting to pc1 iam giving a command to run pc.ex
which should invoke mobile.exe which is connected to the same pc

Please help me in soving this issue

Thanks and Regards

2009-02-13 21:08:00 UTC
On Thu, 12 Feb 2009 21:10:54 -0800, rajesshwari
Thanlks for the reply.
I think u have misunderstood my question.
My pc2 has nothing to do with the mobile or pc.exe.
Mobile is connected to pc1 and also pc.exe is also stored in pc1 only.
PC2 is only used to establish a remote connection to the pc1 and after
that i mean after connecting to pc1 iam giving a command to run pc.exe
which should invoke mobile.exe which is connected to the same pc.
I _think_ this is your setup
mobile device attached to pc1
pc1.exe runs on pc1 and uses RAPI to manipulate mobile device
pc2 connected to pc1 via telnet
pc2.exe runs on pc2

Now you're trying to get pc2.exe to control the pc1.exe so pc1.exe can
manipulate the mobile device.

If that is a correct description, then the problem is the connection
between pc2.exe and pc1.exe. And that has nothing to do with the
existence of the mobile device. Nor is it related to smarphones.
Please help me in soving this issue.
Thanks and Regards,
To reply to me, remove the underscores (_) from my email address (and please indicate which newsgroup and message).

Robert E. Zaret, eMVP
PenFact, Inc.
20 Park Plaza, Suite 400
Boston, MA 02116
2009-03-09 20:48:48 UTC
On Sun, 15 Feb 2009 21:59:00 -0800, rajesshwari
Thanks for the reply.
I have few doubts regarding the CeCreateProcess().
1. Will this API work over telnet??
No. Reread my first reply.
Because with out this API iam able to run any application over telnet.
That depends heavily on what you mean by "run".
I mean say i have an application app1.exe and app2.exe both are stored
in PC1 in app directory (let us say path is in E:\app).
From app1.exe iam using CeCreateProcess() to invoke app2.exe.
Now from pc2 i will establish a telnet connection to PC1 via hyper
Now after giving the logging degtails of PC1 on PC2, i will give th
path cd E:\app
after that i will give app1.
at this point of time im getting the error what i have mentioned above.
I cannot understand your problem from this description.

You've described your problem three times. My first attempt to
paraphrase your description was wrong, so I tried again. You have not
responded to that second attempt.
1. Please tel me is this the problem with the telnet settings??
None of the telnet settings I've seen has any relevance whatsoever.
If YES iam able to run a normal program using telnet if there is no
CeCreateProcess() in the program.
2.Iam calling a function which invoves this CeCreateProcess() over
hyper terminal so tel me is this possible to cal CeCreateProcess()
function via hyper terminal??
To reply to me, remove the underscores (_) from my email address (and please indicate which newsgroup and message).

Robert E. Zaret, eMVP
PenFact, Inc.
20 Park Plaza, Suite 400
Boston, MA 02116
